Barbara Schoenoff came to our doll club and taught us for two great days on Morris. He was certainly a fun project and the teacher and class were just excellent. I am very proud of my Morris. It's my best doll yet! Everyone had a wonderful time. Here also is my Dweedle doll which is my latest and I think she is very cute. She has a bug on her nose she is trying to catch in her net. I love these little creations. This was a pattern by Diane Evdokimoff.,
This is # 2 Sporty Sam. I enlarged him 10%. It's funny how each doll takes on it's own look. Same Pattern too. This time I had a little trouble with the head. Arms and hands not nearly as much. Got in a rush and ended up getting paint on his leg so then had to paint his legs. Wow, learn so much by my mistakes. I thinks he's cute tho'. Still striving to progress.....Will be going to the Houston Quilt show for the first time tomorrow. Shop til you drop!!!! Shirley
I made Linda Misa's Sporty Sam, (her free pattern). He was a challenge for me and I felt he turned out pretty well but I will make him again and see if I can do a little better. It was a learning experience. His shoes are HEARTY paper clay and fairly easy to make. He is only 10 1/2 inches tall.
Summer Garden's is the name of the pattern. She is a stump doll. Pattern is by Camille Pratt. Once again a learning experience. Made the arms/hands about 14 times before got two I liked!
Here is my third place winner, the topsy turvey doll. She is the 4 season's doll and really is 4 dolls in one. My entry Snow Queen (below) won Best in Show, so I am really thrilled that the judges liked them.
This is my doll this week. I love making the patterns and learn something new with each one. This doll has hands of Prosculpt which Jean showed us in our class on Sat.'s Playday. These are my first hands and hope to get better in my next attempt. The pattern for this doll is by D. J Endokimona, "Fishing For Dreams". Hope you like her. Shirley
Here is one of my entries into the Tulsa State Fair. She is painted over cloth body, Diamond glitter is sprinkled on her skin to give her a frosy look. She is quite tall and sitting on her throne chair. SNOW QUEEN
Our Dolling Dames have a display at the Hardesty Library & altho the picture DOES NOT do justice to the beautiful dolls it is one event the club show to the community what art cloth dolls are about. The Hardesty display is how I learned about the doll club and shortly after joined this amazing group. I never thought I could make dolls like theirs but they assured me I could. I have been doing it now for over a year and have succeeded beyond what I thought I could do but there is still soooo much to learn. We will also show our dolls at the Tulsa State Fair.
This is a stump doll started for a Dolling Dames Project which I finished at home. I learned a lot at the Sat. playday last week-end. We learned more about how to make hand, wings and how to draw and color faces. The silk material came from Vietnam thanks to Tom our son-in-law who made a trip there for work. She was another doll which I struggled with and felt she was not going to work out but here she is and I think she turned out well.
I recently tried dying fabric except I dyed after the doll was stuffed and don't think that is the most appropriate way to dye! If I make mistakes I just feel like I can do something with it to fix it. Seems like that is how I work. Ha! I sometimes feel like maybe I should just give up on the doll and then she turns out to be a favorite. This is a Patti Culea Pattern and I used Dye na flow and dyed the fabric and body of the doll.
Tommy's first tea party at our house, Tommy was having fun serving orange juice instead of tea & we had chips instead of cookies. Papa, Anne Louise and Alex attended the party.
Hello and welcome. Hope you enjoy my blog. I will list my cloth dolls as I make them and our family pictures. I belong to a great group of doll makers in Tulsa, The Dolling Dames. We enjoy sharing our love of making dolls. My husband Bill and I live in Broken Arrow, Ok. We have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.